As most of you know, 500genders is the not-for-profit, feminist writing and performance collaborative I co-run with 6 other women. Please come out to one, or two, or preferably all three of these free and fun and inspiring events.
Hope to see you there,
500genders presents
Trash Talk:
A Writing and Art Sharing Series
- Brunch Writing Workshop: Sunday, April 19th 2-5pm at Coriel's apartment : 739 Dekalb Ave Apt 4F. Take G train to Bedford/Nostrand.
Please bring one bit of brunch and a notebook with pen
- Editing Followup Session: Sunday, April 26th 2-4pm at Tiny Cup (Please RSVP to for this editing session.)
279 Nostrand Ave between Clifton Pl & Lafayette Ave. Take G train to Bedford/Nostrand.
- Art Share: Sunday, May 3rd 2pm
*Location TBA
You asked for it... and here it is:
Based on your feedback from the In Others' Words series, we have added a step between our next workshop and art share: an editing session! The Sunday following our upcoming brunch writing workshop, you will have an opportunity to bring your writing from the workshop - rough or polished - to an editing session to share ideas, feedback, editing suggestions, and some delicious coffee with other brunch folks. This will be a chance to share your work informally. You might just love it so much that you won't be able to resist sharing it at the next art share...
Looking forward to eating, sharing, and talking trash with you.
The women of 500genders
Carinne, Christine, Coriel, Hope, Janis/Miriam, Megan, and Pamela