Sunday, February 17, 2008

Save the Date: 500 Genders Afternoon Tea Workshop!

Hello Friends and Fellow Genders,

500 Genders would like to invite you to our latest workshop, our first one ever to bring women, men, and everyone else together to explore and delve into our expansive feminist world through collaborative art, writing, and whatever else emerges through the course of our 2-3 hours together.

The workshop will take place on March 2nd at 4pm (aka tea-time); we will provide some snacks and, yup, tea. You need to bring yourself and one picture/photo that you think invokes the broad theme of gender. And no, we can't be more specific :)

Full details are below. Please please RSVP so we can be sure to have enough grub for everyone. And please pass this invitation along to anyone you think might be interested, curious, and/or open-minded.

We look forward to seeing you.

In peace,

The 500 Genders: Carinne, Christine, Coriel, Hope, Janis, Megan, Pam.


What: 500 Genders All-genders welcome workshop and tea

Where: Carinne and Pam's apartment205 27th St, Apt 3, Brooklyn! (R to 25th St; or N, D to 36th and walk)When: March 2nd, 4pm

Why: It's a great place to score. JK, because it will be awesome, duh

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